China's third aircraft carrier's reported second sea trial attracts media attention

kkbss 2024-09-22 23:27:52休闲 134
An aerial drone photo taken on May 7,<strong></strong> 2024 shows China's third aircraft carrier, the <em>Fujian</em>, during its maiden sea trials. China's third aircraft carrier, the <em>Fujian</em>, completed maiden sea trials on Wednesday.(Photo: Xinhua)

An aerial drone photo taken on May 7, 2024 shows China's third aircraft carrier, the Fujian, during its maiden sea trials. China's third aircraft carrier, the Fujian, completed maiden sea trials on Wednesday.(Photo: Xinhua)

China's third aircraft carrier, the electromagnetic catapult-equipped Fujian, reportedly wrapped up its second sea trial on Tuesday, an expansive and intensive test that experts said on Wednesday reflects the smooth progress made by the 80,000 ton-class warship.

The Fujianreturned to Jiangnan Shipyard in Shanghai from its 20-day second sea trial on Tuesday morning, Hong Kong news outlet the Singtao Daily reported on Wednesday.

While not officially announced, the Fujian's second test voyage started on May 23 and concluded on Tuesday, observers said, citing two navigation restriction notices for the two dates released by the maritime safety administration of Shanghai. 

The two navigation restriction notices did not specify that they were referring to the Fujian's second sea trial, but used the phrasing "a large ship" identical to the navigation restriction notices for the carrier's first voyage test that started on May 1 and concluded on May 8.

Analysts noted that the Fujianonly took about half a month to start its second trial following the end of the first one, which indicates that the first was very successful and did not require the carrier to conduct complicated adjustments.

Unlike the Fujian's first sea trial that took place in the East China Sea not far from its shipyard in Shanghai, commercial satellite imagery showed that the second sea trial took place in the Yellow Sea and featured more expansive tests on the carrier's propulsion systems such as sharp turning and sailing in reverse, the Singtao Daily reported.

The Singtao Daily said that possible reasons why the Yellow Sea was selected for the latest trial include that the Chinese People's Liberation Army (PLA) Navy has a carrier-based aircraft training base near the region, and that the location is relatively closed off for the US to conduct close-in reconnaissance.

Previously, China's first aircraft carrier, the Liaoning, completed its first aircraft landing test in the Yellow Sea, so the Fujiancould also be preparing for its aircraft takeoff and landing tests in later sea trials, the report said.

It is normal that the Fujianwould need to conduct several test voyages across different sea regions, Fu Qianshao, a Chinese military expert, told the Global Times on Wednesday.

The second sea trial was a long one, which indicated that the carrier carried out intensive tests with additional objectives in a likely move to keep a fast pace in the test progress, Fu said. It indicates that the carrier as a platform is technically sophisticated, as its mooring tests and voyage tests have so far gone very smoothly, he said.

The test laid a solid foundation for the carrier's more sea trials to come as well as its eventual commissioning into the PLA Navy, Fu said.

After the second sea trial, observers have high expectations for more upcoming trials, including tests on electromagnetic compatibility, weapon systems, electromagnetic catapults and aircraft takeoff and landing.





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