Thailand: Consulate General in Shanghai welcomes defense trainees

rtrek 2024-09-22 23:24:39热点 5
Prinat Apirat, Consul General of the Royal Thai Consulate-General in Shanghai, welcomed Major General Pratuang Piyakapho, and the participants in the first group of trainees in Thailand defense for future management training programs at the Consulate General of Thailand in Shanghai.
Consul General of the Royal Thai Consulate-General in Shanghai Prinat Apirat speaks at the event. Photo: Courtesy of the Royal Thai Consulate-General in Shanghai

Consul General of the Royal Thai Consulate-General in Shanghai Prinat Apirat speaks at the event. Photo: Courtesy of the Royal Thai Consulate-General in Shanghai

The Consul General also gave an overview of bilateral relations between Thailand and Shanghai. She exchanged views on issues of interest to the delegation, such as expanding strategic cooperation between Thailand and China, promoting Thai-made products to the Chinese market, and promoting Thailand's tourism market in China and the Yangtze River Delta (YRD) region.

At the end of July, the Thai Consulate-General in Shanghai, in conjunction with the Shanghai Foreign Investment Development Board, organized the 7th Bangkok - Shanghai Economic Conference on the topic "Accelerating Innovation Cooperation between Thailand and the YRD" in Shanghai.

The conference focused on creating a comprehensive innovation ecosystem, promoting joint innovation, and expanding business and exploring investment opportunities.





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