Learning Chinese

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Chat attack

scholarship /  奖学金 / (jiǎnɡxuéjīn ) 

A: I heard that you were an excellent student in college and even got a scholarship, is that right?


(tīnɡshuō nǐ dàxué qījiān shì yīmínɡ pǐnxuéjiānyōude xuéshēnɡ, háidéle jiǎnɡxuéjīn,duìma?)

B: Yup. It was really motivating to get a scholarship while at college.


(shìde, nénɡzài dàxué qījiān huòdé jiǎnɡxuéjīn duìwǒ láishuō shì hěndàde ɡǔlì.)

A: I'm very curious, how did you spend your scholarship?  


(wǒhěnhǎoqí, nǐshì rúhé shǐyònɡ jiǎnɡxuéjīn de ne?)

B: I saved the scholarship money in bank. Why are you suddenly interested in this topic?  


(wǒbǎ jiǎnɡxuéjīn dōu cúnjìnle yínxínɡ.nǐ wéihé tūrán duì zhèɡè huàtí ɡǎnxīnɡqù?

A: Because I saw a news report. It said that a student in Lanzhou, Gansu Province has used his scholarship money to make his family's dream come true by buying them a tricycle.


(yīnwéi wǒ kàndào yīzé xīnwén, yīwèi ɡānsù lánzhōu de xuéshēnɡ yònɡ zìjǐde jiǎnɡxuéjīn wéi jiātínɡ yuánmènɡ, mǎile yīliànɡ xiǎo sānlúnchē.)

B: That is a good story. I actually was thinking of using my scholarship money to buy my parents some health products as a way of saying thank you.


(zhè tīnɡqǐlái shìɡè hǎoɡùshì.wǒ qíshí yě zhènɡ xiǎnɡzhe yònɡ zìjǐde jiǎnɡxuéjīn ɡěi fùmǔ mǎixiē bǎojiànpǐn,bàodá tāmén.)

Illustrations:Liu Rui/GT

Illustrations:Liu Rui/GT